Workout Wednesday

Upper Body & Abba Dabbas!

Im all about werk werk werkin’ the upper body and abba dabbas at the moment!  For this one you won’t need any equipment so you can smash it out anywhere, anytime…perfect for a holiday werkout!

Set your timer (I use Seconds Pro) to 30 seconds work : 10 seconds rest and complete…

Tricep Pushups (off an incline/wall/knees)
Plank to Pike with a knee tap (4 Point Kneel Extension)
Right Side Plank with oblique crunch (no oblique crunch)
Left Side Plank with oblique crunch
Straight Legged Sit ups (or Toe Taps) 
Leg Lowers (or Reverse Curl)
Penguins (or Windscreen Wipers)

Repeat 3 times through.

Finish with a 4 minute plank (2 min 4 Point Kneel) with 3 Tuck Jumps or Squats everytime you rest.

Exercises can be viewed on our Facebook Page or Instagram.  Movements listed in brackets should be followed if you need to regress a movement or have Abdominal Separation).

As always, make sure your warm up, cool down and stretch.

Jess xxx