Motivation Monday

"You Got This!"

When you first shift your focus to a new health and fitness goal, whether this be in strength, mobility, fitness, weight loss or general wellness you will naturally see significant gains.  As time goes by however it is impossible to continue to achieve this same level of progress despite your same efforts because the scope of opportunity has been reduced due to your progress already. 

Sometimes we might start to feel disheartened, lose motivation and begin to waiver from the consistent approach that we previously followed which is no help to us at all.  I’m sure we have all experienced this, I sure have…that feeling of not achieving the goal quick enough, or becoming somewhat accepting of where you are at, even though really you know its not where you had wanted to be.

Maybe this is something that you are going through right now…

It’s important to be realistic and understand that it often doesn’t happen as easily nor as quick as we might like but I’m here to tell you that if you keep on chipping away, you will get there.  Be sure to celebrate the little successes along the way, enjoy the journey and don’t forget where you started, not where you were just last week.

You got this!

Jess xxx

#motivationmonday #consistenceyiskey #keeponchippingaway #dontgiveup #thetimeisnow #outdoorfitness #nutrition #groupfitness #innerwestmums #innerwestsydney #annandale #haberfield