Fuel Friday

"The humble cauliflower..."

Steam it, boil it, bake it, fry it, mash it - if the humble head of cauliflower doesn’t make an appearance on your dining table here are just some of the awesome reasons to add this cruciferous veggie to your shopping list 📝

✔️ It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent arthritis, diabetes, IBS and other inflammatory health concerns.
✔️ High in fibre so it helps digestion and bowel movements.
✔️ It is jam packed with loads of fabulous vitamins and minerals that can help support your body repair and maintenance of the nervous system, immune system, muscles and bones!
✔️ It is filled with antioxidant nutrients!

This week we enjoyed Cauliflower Mash with slow cooked lamb (pic in comments) - delicious and super simple!

I sauté 1/2 copped onion, 2 cloves of garlic and olive oil in a saucepan. Then add a finely chopped head of cauliflower with 1/4 cup of Vegetable Stock. Cook till tender for 5-10 min then place in my Vitamix and blended till smooth. Used Salt and Pepper to taste.

Bon Appetite!

Jess xxx